
بكين, ديسمبر 4 (رويترز) – فولكس فاجن إيه جي, أكبر صانع سيارات أجنبي في الصين, قال يوم الجمعة إن الإنتاج الإجمالي للسيارات في الصين قد ينقطع بعد أن تسبب جائحة COVID-19 في تعطيل إمدادات الرقائق على مستوى العالم لبعض المكونات الإلكترونية..

أثر الوباء على إنتاج السيارات وقطع غيارها على مستوى العالم, وصناعة السيارات في الصين, أكبر سوق للسيارات في العالم, relies heavily on imported chips for electronic parts such as electronic control units and electronic stability programmes.

“The chip supply for certain automotive electronic components has been affected due to uncertainties caused by the pandemic,” a Volkswagen representative told Reuters in an emailed statement.

“This has led to a potential interruption in automotive production, with the situation getting more critical as demand has risen due to the full speed recovery of the Chinese market,” the statement, which refers to China’s overall auto production and not specifically Volkswagen’s, said.

Volkswagen also said it was closely monitoring the situation, and had already started coordinating with its HQ and suppliers to take appropriate countermeasures.

The Wolfsburg-based company has local joint ventures with SAIC Motor Corp Ltd, China FAW Group Corp Ltd and Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp Ltd (جاك) .

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